Hello Chicago IMSAns,
I would like to invite you to participate in an effort to assess our relationship with IMSA. On a pragmatic and delicious level, you will get a free meal in addition to spirited conversation!
As alums, the state legislature expects us to provide a return on their investment in our education. I believe this can take many forms, from intangible to more concrete acts, but legislators are often focused on only one aspect: money. Given the relatively low financial burden for us to attend IMSA, this makes sense. If alums do not show an interest in donating to the Academy after they graduate, should Illinois continue to fund the institution, and should IMSA provide significant financial backing for programs to support the alumni community (such as regional events)?
I am arranging two focus groups to discuss why alums do or do not make financial contributions to IMSA. As part of these conversations, we will discuss the relationship between alums and IMSA through time, as well as past communications from IMSA to alums. Don’t worry if you’ve never donated. In fact, I think that can make the conversation richer. These focus groups are sponsored by the IMSA Alumni Association (IAA) and only IMSA alumni are invited to participate. Feedback from the meetings will be shared with the IAA cabinet and select IMSA staff. No names or identities will be shared with anyone beyond the focus group participants.
The groups will meet at 6 p.m. on March 9 and March 10 at Silver Spoon Thai Restaurant (710 North Rush). If you are interested in participating, please RSVP to mcknisley@gmail.com by Monday, March 8, at 5 p.m. Indicate your preferred date in the email. If we have more than approximately six participants for each group, we will discuss adding another date.
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Matthew Knisley
IAA President
Sounds good to me, which part are you in, maybe March 9th?